Introduction to Anthropology and Evolutionary Theory
- Scope of Anthropology
- Evolution of Evolution
- Evolution of Culture
- Primates and Early Hominids
- Interpreting the fossil record
- Teacher: Julie Demecillo
- Teacher: Alycia McKinney
- Teacher: Devon McLeay
Emergence of Homo Sapiens and Paleolithic Lifestyles
- Neanderthals and Modern humans
- Paleolithic Cultures
- New World Culture
- Teacher: Julie Demecillo
- Teacher: Alycia McKinney
Mesolithic/Neolithic Lifestyles
- Human Variation and Race
- Origins of Food Production and Settled Life
- Language and Culture
- Medicine
- Teacher: Julie Demecillo
- Teacher: Alycia McKinney
Mythology and Religion Before Common Era
- The Origins of Early Religion/Later Religion
- Native Aboriginal Religiousity
- Ancient Egyptian Religous Belief Systems
- Hinduism
- Judaism
- Buddhism
- Teacher: Julie Demecillo
- Teacher: Alycia McKinney
- Teacher: Julie Demecillo
- Teacher: Alycia McKinney